Bell Rock

by Penny Lisowski
Bell Rock
Penny Lisowski
Photograph - Painted-mixed Media
While names of the red rocks are descriptive to varying degrees, there’s no doubt in your mind when you see Bell Rock which one you’re looking at. It sits just to the North of Hwy 179, between the Village of Oak Creek and Sedona, a giant Hershey’s Kiss plopped down right next to the highway. It’s often the first formation that visitors can actually get out and touch, since Hwy 179 is a major access route from I-17 to Sedona, and the crowds that pull over in the busy seasons to stroll along its base or take photos can get quite thick.
Bell Rock is also one of the most prominent Sedona vortex sites. A vortex, if you’re given to this sort of perspective, is a swirling concentration of energy emanating from the earth that can have any number of attributes, depending on what kind of vortex it is and who you talk to. Some categorize vortexes (or vortices, whatever floats your boat) as male, female or balanced, and claim that their energy can affect the human consciousness and even one’s physical body.
April 16th, 2014